

I’m a British author who lives in Warwickshire with my husband and cat. I’ve had a lifelong passion for writing, starting off as a child when I used to write stories about the Fraggles of Fraggle Rock. Find out more about how Fraggle Rock inspired my writing, in my blog.

Knowing there was nothing else I’d rather study, I did my degree in writing and I’ve now turned my favourite hobby into a career.

I write love stories with a twist, always leaving readers guessing right until the end. They’re far from your normal romance stories, but a love story runs through the heart of all my books, with a sprinkling of something weird thrown into the mix.

I have plenty more ideas in notebooks scattered all across my house, so there will be lots more books coming from me. The problem is I can’t write them quick enough! I hope you enjoy reading my books just as much as I enjoy writing them.