Isobel is in love with suave and sexy Jake. She finally gets to go on a (kind of) date with him, but he ignores her all night and she’s gravely disappointed.
Soon after that, her handsome and charming neighbour, Nicholas, asks her out on a date. But he turns out to be a bit creepy.
Add to that Nicholas’s overbearing cat, Smokey, who keeps somehow finding its way into her house, and life is becoming pretty irritating for Isobel.
Then one day, as she is returning Smokey to its owner, she catches sight of Nicholas through his window. She sees far more than she could ever be prepared for.

Isobel is about to face her worst nightmare. And there seems to be no escape…


Alice Bloom has shut herself away from the world for years. But all that changes when three men come into her life. Firstly there’s the rather disgusting Karl, who has the key to her problems but turns her stomach. Then there’s smooth and sexy Ethan, whom Alice falls head over heels for, but she just can’t seem to get time alone with him. And finally there’s her lovely, supportive friend Dan, if only they could ever actually get to meet. Because the biggest problem of all is: Alice is invisible.


The complications become more and more hilarious as Alice tries to steer her way through her conflicting emotions and find her way to happiness. Will she succeed or will life always get the better of her?


Chloe Noble is devastated when she’s told that her boyfriend, Scott, is cheating on her. She becomes determined to find out the truth. But as she snoops through his personal things, the world around her instantly goes black. Not knowing what has happened, a door suddenly opens in front of her and she’s faced with people and places she’s never seen before. Trapped far away from home and gradually discovering the secrets of Scott’s life, she quickly realises that him cheating on her is the least of her worries.

Then Scott goes missing and the issues around her rapidly grow in intensity. Chloe has no choice but to face her fears and help her new friends put society back on track, before the world as she knows it is changed forever.

Penelope Fox is sick of being defined by her illness. For a bit of escapism she decides to start writing. It’s all going really well until she meets the hero she created in her novel actually in the flesh. From that point on her life is thrown into turmoil. Especially when he seems to know everything about her in return.

As they start to explore their impossible relationship, Penelope is forced to come to terms with a secret that no one wants her to remember. Slowly she is drawn back towards the danger that everyone wanted to protect her from. Only one person can really save her. But is he willing to make that sacrifice?

Every Sunday, best friends Jenny, Adam and Zack leave their unhappy lives behind and they meet down the pub. They’re all huge fans of comic books, so for fun, one afternoon, they decide to create their own superhero. But as Empathy Man starts to take shape, strange things start to happen to them in their everyday lives; things they just can’t possibly explain. And who is it they keep seeing in the corner of their eyes?

Emmett the Empathy Man is a comic tale of wishing for better things only to find out the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Can Jenny, Adam and Zack get their lives back on track or will their new found friend totally mess things up for them once and for all?



When Beth finally finds out the dark truth about Simon, she’s swept into a supernatural world that will change her life forever. From fighting powers she can’t understand to spell-binding contracts, she is forced into acts of desperation and deceit that she never thought could exist.
This is a magical love story set against the backdrop of a corrupt world where everyone is struggling for power. A power that could cost Beth and Simon their lives. All it takes is one feather…

This is the first book in the Bird trilogy.


Just as Beth and Simon finally start to believe they can be happy, life is turned upside down for them. As their problems escalate, neither of them expect the darkness that suddenly threatens their world. Their new love is challenged in the most horrific way as the shocking revelation of what destiny has in store for them forces them to make the biggest decision of their lives. 

Is their love strong enough to battle through? They won’t just be letting each other down if they make the
wrong choice, the whole world could change forever.


This is the second book in the Bird trilogy.


Things are not right for Beth and Simon. The biggest problem is, though, that they can’t remember what’s wrong. The couple get caught up in the middle of a battle between powerful forces, making it impossible for them to know who to trust. Since everyone seems to have their own agenda, how will they find out the truth? Will the lovebirds be able to overcome the darkness? Or have their enemies finally outwitted them?


This is the final book in the Bird trilogy.


Beth and Simon Bird have a wonderful life together. They’re rich, happy, powerful and literally want for nothing. That is until there’s a knock on their office door. The news that their secret little magical community isn’t so secret anymore and the whole world seems to have developed magical powers – powers that people can’t possibly have – is just the start of a chain of terrible events.
Facing the biggest threat they’ve ever encountered, Simon feels he has no choice but to turn to dark magic. But this snap decision unravels all that is good in their life and begins to tear their family apart.
With those closest to them now the enemy, what should they do? Should they risk losing everything? Or should they give way to temptation and let the darkness consume them? It’s the people with all the power who have no power at all.

The Dark Nest is the fourth book featuring Beth and Simon Bird and the secret magic community of the Malancy.

You don’t need to have read the first three books to enjoy The Dark Nest.